This workbook helps a client with their payroll. The screenshot you see below is after the client has typed in the names of the employees, the facility they worked at, and the hours that they worked. There are a few basic formulas that take it from there and show the total hours worked (even if they worked an overnight shift and their shift ended on a different day than it started), and also automatically indicates if the employee worked a day or a night (NOC) shift. The different colors in the facility column visually separate the different facilities (the facility names have been blurred out for privacy issues). If an employee has worked over 40 hours the cell fill color and font automatically change
This is where the macro comes in. The screen shot above has to be done manually every week, because the employees for this client will rarely work the same hours on the same days at the same facility, so because of the nature of his business this data entry cannot be automated. However, once he has the raw data entered in here, he was spending 45 minutes to an hour every week organizing this information into groups so that he could put it into his accounting software and get his employees paid and the facilities invoiced. This can be automated with the macro and gave my client 45-60 back minutes every week. The video below shows the macro working. It takes all of this raw data entry and groups/sorts the information so that it can quickly and easily be put into his accounting software.













A similar macro takes care of all of his invoicing.












